Join us to hear Deb Boersma speak on the genus Tolumnia: Small but Mighty
Join us for our holiday celebration. Learn about our Conservation Committee, vote to accept our 2024 Year End Financial Statements and play our Annual OOS Trivia Challenge.
Jay Norris of Ravenvision will speak about terrarium culture with orchids and display his award-winning Wardian cases.
Sarah Hurdel of Needmore Orchids will speak on the species, hybrids and culture of Habenaria. Roehampton Orchids will join us at the meeting.
Alan Koch of Gold Country Orchids will join us to speak on Miniature Cattleya. We will begin our new "Growing Together" project.
Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids will join us to speak about “Aussie Dendrobiums and their Cultivation” and we will celebrate ribbon and AOS awards from Orchidophilia 2024.
John Alexander and Peter Kaellgren join us to share their discoveries of the Weird, Wild and Wonderful: carnivores, parasites and other unusual plants in Canada.
Joyce Medcalf, Head Judge at our upcoming OOS Show (Orchidophilia 2024) will explain how to prepare your plants and create a winning orchid display of your own.
Dr. Jean Hollebone, our own orchid expert, takes us down the Amazon searching for orchids on an Orchid Conservation Alliance trip followed by more orchids in Africa at the Kenya Orchid Show where she served as an AOS judge.
This is our holiday celebration. Learn about our supporting organizations: the American Orchid Society and the Canadian Orchid Congress and how we support them as an affiliate society. Enjoy an OOS Trivia Challenge with festive refreshments and win prizes!