Joyce Medcalf, Head Judge at our upcoming OOS Show (Orchidophilia 2024) will explain how to prepare your plants and create a winning orchid display of your own.
When: Sunday February 18, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Where: Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Ave. in Hall F (Enter through door 2 from the rear parking lot)
Join us this month for an informative presentation on displaying your orchids Preparing Orchids for Display and Setting up Displays given by our in-house expert American Orchid Society Judge, Joyce Medcalf. If you want an edge on getting that winning ribbon on our monthly show table or want to participate in either an out-of-town display at an Orchid Show or the OOS Display at Orchidophilia 2024, you need to know how to prepare your plants. And, speaking of Orchidophilia 2024, we encourage all our members who have blooming orchids to enter their own display at the show. You can register in the class that requires only 1 – 5 orchids to participate. Joyce will show you all the elements that will help create a beautiful winning display.
Joyce consistently creates winning displays. She not only takes our members’ orchids to the Southern Ontario Orchid Society show to prepare the Ottawa OS display in Toronto, but she prepares her own displays at several orchid shows in Ontario. She has won many, many awards for her beautiful case displays filled with her colder growing orchid specialties: Pleurothallids, Masdevallia etc. She is a Past President of the Toronto Judging Centre and has served as a Trustee for the American Orchid Society. She is dedicated as a judge for our society, both at meetings and at our orchid show where she is Head Judge and Show Co-Chair.
This is a hybrid meeting. Watch for the email to register for the Zoom meeting. We will have the usual Show Table. Members, please bring you blooming orchids to the table by 1:40 pm. There will be refreshments and the monthly raffle for our in-person guests. If you are feeling unwell, please join us via Zoom.