Welcome to the Ottawa Orchid Society

Learn about the benefits of becoming a member of the Ottawa Orchid Society

Get involved, attend workshops and learn about how to exhibit your orchids at our events

Learn about our monthly meetings, orchid group discussions and workshops

Cypripedium parviflorum var makasin

Learn about what we're doing for the conservation of orchids native to the region

About us

Founded in 1978, the Ottawa Orchid Society (OOS) aims to promote and assist in every way the knowledge, appreciation, culture, study, development, improvement and conservation of orchids.

Not yet a member?

Join to have access to our monthly meetings, orchid group discussions and workshops.

The cost of annual membership is $30, payable to the Ottawa Orchid Society by cheque, e-transfer, or credit card.

Upcoming meeting

At our next monthly meeting, Nicholas Rust of RustyExotics Orchids will be speaking about artificial lighting and growing.

Due to an expected snow storm, the Ottawa Orchid Society is moving the February monthly meeting on Sunday February 16 to an online meeting only. Members please watch for the email with the registration link.

Social media

Latest news

In 2023, the Ottawa Orchid Society Conservation Committee conducted a census of the Cypripedium reginae population in the Purdon Conservation Area. This is what the report found.
This month, Nicholas Rust of RustyExotics Orchids will discuss growing under artificial lighting, all you need to create a grow room of your own.
Join us to hear Deb Boersma speak on the genus Tolumnia: Small but Mighty